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Thank you for attending the recent Think Somatics Workshop.
You are receiving this survey because you attended a Think Somatics workshop. I'd really appreciate you taking the time to give me feedback so I may continue to improve my skills as a Somatic Educator and create enjoyable workshops.
Thank you,
PS This is anonymous too. :-)
How'd you like the workshop?
Loved it!
It was good.
I didn't care for it.
Please add any additional thoughts here.
How likely would you recommend a workshop with Kristin to your friends/family?
Very likely.
Not likely.
Please add any additional thoughts here.
What did you think about the duration of the workshop?
I would have liked a longer workshop.
The duration worked pretty well for me.
It was too long.
Please add any additional thoughts here.
What did you enjoy/find the most valuable to your learning experience?
What suggestions do you have for Kristin to improve her presentation skills and/or teaching style?
What should Kristin continue doing in regards to her presentation skills and/or teaching style?
What workshop improvements do you suggest?
If you'd like a Think Somatics workshop focused on a particular topic(s), such as Somatics for Runners, Somatics for Insomnia, etc.please list them here.
Any additional thoughts?
Just hit the submit button and you're done! Again, I appreciate your insights. Thank you!
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what is somatics?
soma curious
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